c2d4u August 18th Update

On c2d4u, 58 packages were updated or added on August 18th. The list is below. As with many recent updates, a couple of packages require R 3.5. These packages are not being updated on the 3.4 c2d4u. I also updated ess on CRAN to the most recent version, which does not install. Dirk Eddelbuettel is uploading a new version that will hopefully fix things.

PPA for packages built against R 3.4.*: c2d4u

PPA for packages built against R 3.5.*: c2d4u3.5

package r_version
BART 1.9
BalancedSampling 1.5.3
Brobdingnag 1.2-6
CDM 6.5-12
JuliaCall 0.16.0
KScorrect 1.2.4
LDheatmap 0.99-5
Quandl 2.9.1
RNeXML 2.1.2
RQGIS 1.0.4
arrangements 1.1.0
batchtools 0.9.11
bcp 4.0.3
chebpol 1.6
choroplethr 3.6.3
cmvnorm 1.0-5
emplik 1.0-4.3
emplik2 1.21
energy 1.7-5
ergm 3.9.4
fansi 0.3.0
freegroup 1.0-2
funHDDC 2.1.0
gbutils 0.3-0
grplasso 0.4-6
ipred 0.9-7
kohonen 3.0.6
lme4 1.1-18-1
mapview 2.5.0
metacom 1.5.1
mets 1.2.4
mirt 1.29
nilde 1.1-2
openEBGM 0.7.0
phonics 1.1.0
pkgconfig 2.0.2
pmmlTransformations 1.3.2
processx 3.2.0
ps 1.1.0
psidR 1.6
pubmed.mineR 1.0.13
randomForestSRC 2.7.0
rattle 5.2.0
rlang 0.2.2
roll 1.1.1
rpart.plot 3.0.4
rplos 0.8.4
rpostgis 1.4.1
sandwich 2.5-0
snakecase 0.9.2
spdep 0.7-8
stars 0.1-1
synthpop 1.5-0
texPreview 1.1.5
tm.plugin.mail 0.2-1
truncreg 0.2-5
