November 18th c2d4u Update

86 new or updated packages added to c2d4u this weekend. The new CRAN Task View Missing Data, which was added last month.

A number of packages require R 3.5, so the number of packages updated on the R 3.5 version of c2d4u is less. Also, the rstan package, and anything related are not available for Trusty. This is due to the need of the C++14 standard for rstan. If there are any suggestions on how to get this to build on Launchpad, let me know.

PPA for packages built against R 3.4.*: c2d4u

PPA for packages built against R 3.5.*: c2d4u3.5

package r_version
BDgraph 2.53
BiocManager 1.30.4
ChainLadder 0.2.8
DBItest 1.5-2
DescTools 0.99.26
GJRM 0.1-5
GenomeInfoDb 1.18.1
LNIRT 0.3.5
MALDIrppa 1.0.1-2
MetaStan 0.0.2
MonetDBLite 0.6.0
R4CouchDB 0.7.5
RApiSerialize 0.1.0
RBesT 1.3-6
RCassandra 0.1-3
REndo 2.0.0
RGreenplum 0.1.2
RH2 0.2.4
RJDBC 0.2-7.1
RJSONIO 1.3-1.1
RMariaDB 1.0.6
ROracle 1.3-1
RPostgres 1.1.1
RPresto 1.3.2
RSAGA 1.3.0
RcppRedis 0.1.9
Rcrawler 0.1.9-1
Rmpi 0.6-9
S4Vectors 0.20.1
SmallCountRounding 0.2
TScompare 2015.4-1
anytime 0.3.3
bReeze 0.4-3
bife 0.5
cNORM 1.0.1
census 0.2.0
censusGeography 0.1.0
countrycode 1.1.0
dbfaker 0.1.0
dbscan 1.1-3
dimRed 0.2.2
divest 0.7.2
dplyr.teradata 0.3.0
elastic 0.8.4
fastLink 0.5.0
filehashSQLite 0.2-4
ggpubr 0.2
giphyr 0.1.3
googleAuthR 0.7.0
googleVis 0.6.3
hipread 0.1.1
idbr 0.3
implyr 0.2.4
ipumsr 0.3.0
liteq 1.0.1
lme4 1.1-19
mclust 5.4.2
metamedian 0.1.0
model4you 0.9-3
mongolite 2.0
noncensus 0.1
odbc 1.1.6
openssl 1.1
packrat 0.5.0
pivot 18.4.17
pointblank 0.2.0
rcmdcheck 1.3.2
redux 1.1.0
reqres 0.2.2
rpostgis 1.4.2
rrcov 1.4-7
rsconnect 0.8.11
rstanarm 2.18.2
sdcTable 0.25
shinyFiles 0.7.2
showimage 1.0.0
skpr 0.57.0
svars 1.2.2
sys 2.1
tables 0.8.7
textcat 1.0-6
tidycensus 0.8.1
uptasticsearch 0.3.0
webdriver 1.0.5
